
Co-op donation

In a generous act of community support, the local Co-op has donated £500 to Wood End Primary School. On Wednesday, the Reading Ambassadors were presented with a cheque for £500, which will go towards purchasing new books for the school library.

The funds will be used to update the library's collection, providing children with a wider range of reading materials to enhance their knowledge and promote a love for reading. This donation not only benefits the current children at Wood End Primary but will also have a lasting impact on future generations of children who will benefit from an enriched library offer.


The Reading Ambassadors, supported by Mrs Garrett are excited to get started finding the best books for our library. They have a plan to update our non-fiction texts and to look for modern fiction from current authors.


Thank you to everyone at the Co-op who have chosen our school to benefit from their generous community scheme. I look forward to seeing which books are purchased with this money.