

You cannot help but notice that Wood End Primary School has been surrounded by scaffolding for a new roof to be installed. It has been fascinating watching the changes each day. On Tuesday we welcomed two of our classes back to a brand-new learning environment, as Dragonfly and Fox class were treated to freshly painted walls and new carpets in their classrooms. The refurbishment is part of the school's ongoing improvements, following the recent replacement of the roof.


The children are very proud of their new rooms and have been telling everyone around school about their fresh new classes. As you can image, a huge budget has been allocated for this work through the Communities Academy Trust. Now we have new flooring, we are determined to keep it looking its best. I have been reminding everyone for a few weeks now that we expect children to bring plain water or clear, flavoured water in their drink bottles. This will now be a daily expectation. We cannot have our new classroom carpets stained by coloured and sticky juice. Please work with us to maintain our lovely environment and do not send your child to school with coloured squash.


The transformation of Dragonfly and Fox class is just the beginning, as the rest of the lower school is set to undergo similar renovations over the next few weeks and throughout the summer. Additionally, the school is eagerly anticipating the installation of new solar panels at the front of the building. Next academic year, as part of phase 2, work will begin in the upper part of school. This is an exciting time for our whole school.