
Health Champions

This week our Health Champions have been busy preparing for Children's Mental Health week. They have planned and will run an assembly on Monday. The theme this year is 'Know yourself, grow yourself'. It focusses on the fact that if children can identify their feelings and emotions they are in a better place to find help. In our school, we support positive mental health in a number of different ways.


Our RSHE curriculum includes lessons on identifying emotions and seeking help when those feeling are too big to handle. Every child in school has chosen a network of trusted adults at home and in school that they know they can talk to when they have a problem. We always talk about Early Warning Signs with children. These are the physical reactions that show a child something is not feeling right. When children get these signs they are reminded to tell a trusted adult, and more importantly, keeping telling until they feel better.


In each class, we have an area called 'Zones of Regulation'. There are 4 different coloured pots where children can choose and show how they are feeling by placing their stick into one of the pots. This is another ways that children can identify their emotions and think about how to deal with these emotions. If a child places their stick in the red pot, a member of staff will always check in to offer support.


If you would like more information about Children's Mental Health week, please visit their website https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/families/