
World Book Day

We all know the importance of books and reading to academic success in Wood End Primary School. Books open up a world of imagination and information for our children. If you walk around our school, you cannot help but notice the text rich environment and the genuine love of reading. There are books everywhere so every day at Wood End is a book day!


For world book day this year we decided to get cosy. Children came in their pyjamas and brought their favourite book to read during our DEAR times (Drop Everything And Read). Each class worked on a range of texts and decorated their door linked to the text. Our reading ambassadors and Mr Turnbull, a school governor, will be looking at the creations on Monday. After school, we came together to share our love of reading over a hot chocolate and biscuits. The children loved this and will be a memory to cherish.


Our love of reading was clear throughout the whole day. Well done children!